Sheba, an 11-year-old German Sheppard, has been locked up in a California animal shelter for over a year. She came to the attention of county officials after two altercations with the same dog. Neither incident harmed the dog. Yet, officials have ruled that Sheba will be put down. She has never been aggressive with humans or other animals, just this one dog.
Joining Nancy Grace today:

- Priscilla Presley – Animal rights activist
- Bruce Krider – Puppy Coalition, animal rights activist -Saving Sheba
- Russ Alba – Managing Director at Black Swan Law
- Penny Douglas Furr – Atlanta Attorney, Animal Rights Advocate
- Angie Wood – “The Atlanta Dog Whisperer,” Dog Behaviorist with US Canine, specializing in treating and rehabilitating dogs with aggression, fears, phobias, and behavioral issues (
Tipline: Call the Mayor of San Bernadino John Valdivia at (909) 384-5133.
“Crime Stories with Nancy Grace” on Fox Nation is also a national radio show heard on SiriusXM channel 111 airing for two hours daily starting at 12 p.m. EST. You can also subscribe and download the daily podcasts at iHeart Podcasts.
[Feature Photo: Sheba via “Saving Sheba’]