Crime Stories with Nancy Grace: WARNING PARENTS! Girl, 10, DIES During Dangerous TikTok Challenge

A Philadelphia family is suing TikTok after their 10-year-old daughter dies trying a video challenge posted on the social media site.

The challenge, called the ‘blackout challenge,” encourages users to asphyxiate themselves, pass out and regain consciousness, while on camera. Nylah Anderson was found unconscious in her mom’s bedroom closet hung from a purse strap.  Tawainna Anderson, Nylah’s mother, says the video platform is negligent and has a ‘defective design.’

Nylah saw the challenge on the app’s ‘For You’ page. According to the lawsuit, the company’s algorithm sent the video to the 10-year-old.

Last year, a 12-year-old boy died trying the same challenge. He used a shoelace to choke himself.  Anderson says TikTok is aware of the dangers but has made no efforts to change.

Joining Nancy Grace Today:

Jeffrey Goodman – Victim’s Family Attorney, Partner, Saltz Mongeluzzi & Bendesky, P.C. (Philadelphia, PA)
Glenn Bard – Retired Pennsylvania State Trooper First Class, Computer Crime Investigations, U.S. Veteran of Operation Desert Storm, PATCtech Digital Forensics
Dr. Jorey Krawczyn – Police Psychologist, Adjunct Faculty with Saint Leo University; Research Consultant with Blue Wall Institute, Author: Operation S.O.S. – Practical Recommendations to Help “Stop Officer Suicide”
Dr. Michelle Dupre – Forensic Pathologist and former Medical Examiner, Author: “Homicide Investigation Field Guide” & “Investigating Child Abuse Field Guide”, Ret. Police Detective Lexington County Sheriff’s Department
Titania Jordan – Chief Parent Officer, Bark Parental Controls; Author: “Parenting In A Tech World;”, Instagram/Twitter: @TitaniaJordan
Dave Mack Crime Online Investigative Reporter; Host of “The Mark and Mack Show,” LifeRadio.FM

Crime Stories with Nancy Grace” on Fox Nation is also a national radio show heard on SiriusXM channel 111 airing for two hours daily starting at 12 p.m. EST. You can also subscribe and download the daily podcasts at iHeart Podcasts.

[Feature Photo: Handout]