Police are looking for a man who tries to kidnap a 10-year-old Florida girl, twice. Surveillance video captures the man offering her candy and money.
According to the girl’s mother, the man had parked the van on the side of the street, opened the door, and asked her if she wanted some candy. The girl is able to escape. The next day the man again approaches the girl saying,” you forgot your candy yesterday.”
A witness asked the girl if she knew the man. The girl said no, but at the same time, the suspect says he is the girl’s grandfather. The witness told the girl to run.
Joining Nancy Grace Today:
James Shelnutt – 27 years Atlanta Metro Area Major Case Detective & Former S.W.A.T. officer; Attorney (Gadsden, AL), The Shelnutt Law Firm, P.C.; Twitter: @ShelnuttLawFirmDr. Scott A. Johnson – Forensic Psychologist (Minnesota): 32 years specializing in addressing sexual predators: Author: “When “I Love You” Turns Violent” and “Physical Abusers & Sexual Offenders”JoScott Morgan – Professor of Forensics: Jacksonville State University, Author, “Blood Beneath My Feet;” Host: “Body Bags with Joseph Scott Morgan“Marc Klaas – Founder, KlaasKids Foundation; Twitter: @PollyDadAlli Neal – Co-Founder, Executive Director, Revved Up KidsNicole Partin – CrimeOnline Investigative Reporter; Twitter: @nicolepartin“Crime Stories with Nancy Grace” on Fox Nation is also a national radio show heard on SiriusXM channel 111 airing for two hours daily starting at 12 p.m. EST. You can also subscribe and download the daily podcasts at iHeart Podcasts.