Justin Fields, 38, and his girlfriend have an evening out to celebrate his birthday.
Back at home after the evening, Fields asks for sex, but the girlfriend turns him down. Fields gets angry and stabs 52-year-old Tammy Bailey dead. Fields says he stabbed her once, then blacked out.
According to the sheriff, Fields says he went into his own room and fell asleep. When he woke up, he reportedly said he thought he was having a bad dream and went on to stab his girlfriend over 100 times.
Bailey was decapitated and her head was found near her feet. Bailey was waiting for police outside his home when they arrived.
Joining Nancy Grace today:
James Shelnutt – 27 years Atlanta Metro Area Major Case Detective and Former S.W.A.T. officer; Attorney (Gadsden, AL), The Shelnutt Law Firm, P.C.; Twitter: @ShelnuttLawFirmDr. Scott A. Johnson – Forensic Psychologist (Minnesota), 32 years specializing in addressing sexual predators; Author: “When “I Love You” Turns Violent” and “Physical Abusers & Sexual Offenders”JoScott Morgan – Professor of Forensics: Jacksonville State University, Author, “Blood Beneath My Feet;” Host: “Body Bags with Joseph Scott Morgan“Kyra Purvis – Reporter, ABC 33/40 News (Birmingham, AL); Twitter: @KyraPurvis_TV, Facebook: Kyra Purvis ABC 33/40“Crime Stories with Nancy Grace” on Fox Nation is also a national radio show heard on SiriusXM channel 111 airing for two hours daily starting at 12 p.m. EST. You can also subscribe and download the daily podcasts at iHeart Podcasts.
[Featured image:Justin Fields/Blount County Sheriff’s Office]