A 93-year-old man is rushed to the hospital when he becomes unresponsive, and he’s rescued with Narcan–indicating he’s overdosed on opioids.
The elder hasn’t been prescribed any narcotic pain medication, so where did it come from? All eyes turn to the man’s in-home caregiver, Mallory Giles. Giles admits she regularly mixes opioids into the man’s daily medications to keep him from noticing the personal purchases she’s been making with his credit cards.
Joining Nancy Grace today:
James Shelnutt – Attorney (Gadsden, AL), The Shelnutt Law Firm, P.C.; 27-year Atlanta Metro Area Major Case Detective and Former S.W.A.T. Officer; Twitter: @ShelnuttLawFirmDr. Angela Arnold – Psychiatrist, Atlanta GA; Expert in the Treatment of Pregnant/Postpartum Women, Former Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynecology: Emory University, Former Medical Director of The Psychiatric Ob-Gyn Clinic at Grady Memorial Hospital, Voted My Buckhead’s Best Psychiatric Practice of 2022Sheryl McCollum – Cold Case Investigative Research Institute Founder; Host of the new podcast: Zone 7; Twitter: @ColdCaseTipsDr. William Morrone – Medical Examiner, Toxicologist, Pathologist, and Opioid Treatment Expert; Author: “American Narcan: Naloxone & Heroin-Fentanyl Associated Mortality”Caitlyn Becker – Senior Reporter, DailyMail.com (Los Angeles, CA), Instagram/Twitter: @CaitlynBecker
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