Zone 7: How to Detect Deception with Susan Constantine

In this episode of Zone 7, Crime Scene Investigator Sheryl McCollum sits down with Susan Constantine, a leading expert in deception detection and body language. The conversation explores a range of topics, from the importance of objectivity in investigations to the nuances of voice pitch and tone.

Susan also covers how deception detection is a skill not just a gut feeling and how to understand human behaviors.

About the ‘Zone 7’ Host

Sheryl “Mac” McCollum is an Emmy Award-winning CSI, a writer for CrimeOnline, a forensic and crime scene expert for “Crime Stories with Nancy Grace,” and a CSI for a metro-area Atlanta Police Department. She is the co-author of the textbook, “Cold Case: Pathways to Justice.”

McCollum is also the founder and director of the Cold Case Investigative Research Institute, a collaboration between universities and colleges that brings researchers, practitioners, students, and the criminal justice community. They come together to advance techniques in solving cold cases and assist families and law enforcement with solvability factors for unsolved homicides, missing persons, and kidnapping cases.

You can connect and learn more about McCollum’s work by visiting the CCIRI website

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[Feature Photo: Susan Constantine – Founder: New on-demand course: “How to Spot a Liar in 7 Seconds or Less”]