Body Bags with Joseph Scott Morgan: An Alternate Ending | Edward LeClair

Edward LeClair, aged 57, was on trial in Denton, Texas for five counts of sexual abuse. While being read his conviction, he chugged an entire bottle of water in the courtroom.

LeClair was then transported to a holding cell and later when checked on by the bailiff was found unconscious. Emergency services were immediately called and LeClair was transported to a local hospital where he was pronounced dead.

In this episode of Body Bags, forensics expert Joseph Scott Morgan and special guest co-host Dave Mack discuss LeClair’s crimes, his decision to take his own life, sodium nitrate, what it does to your body, and more.

Additional Reading 

Pedophile ‘Chugs’ Mystery Liquid and Dies After He’s Found Guilty of Child Sexual Assault

[Feature Photo: Edward Peter Leclair/Frisco Police Department]