College athlete suspected in string of sexual assaults on campus, cops want other victims to come forward

College athlete suspected in string of sexual assaults on campus, cops want other victims to come forward
Career criminal with grudge against 7-Eleven manager dumps human waste inside store: Cops
[UPDATE] Investigators close child supervision probe just days before mom drowns 4-year-old daughter in river: Cops
Man brutally beats 24-year-old woman to death in argument over a watch: Cops
Babysitters subject kids to torture, sleep and food deprivation over six-day period: Cops
4-year-old girl found dead in river, cops think her mom threw her in the water
Man gets drunk and attacks 60-year-old neighbor with a hatchet: Cops
Woman stabs, shoots roommate, sets home ablaze to cover up murder sparked by fight over man: Cops